The Inspection Générale des Finances (IGF) of Benin is one of the nation’s oldest institutions in the area of public finance control. Indeed, it was born on March 14, 1960 with its twin sister, Financial Control. Over time, it has experienced various fortunes which have not dampened the ardor of these animators. But, it still remains the armed wing of the Minister in charge of finance to ensure the sound use of the taxpayer’s money. This ivory tower which frightens some and arouses the admiration of others has decided to open up to the world. Therefore, I would like to welcome everyone who comes to this web page. This page will be a niche of communication to make known the attributions, the missions, the functioning and the activities of the IGF. In perspective, this page will collect your expectations, your impressions why not your denunciations. But first of all, it will let you know the house and its prospects. Over the days you will be kept informed of the reforms in the area of public finance control initiated by the President of the Republic. The IGF, which is engaged in a certification process to ISO 9001 version 2015 standards, now wants to be closer and open to all. So let’s get to know each other to better appreciate each other. Zisson FACINOU