Inspection Générale des Finances (IGF)

Inspecteur Général des Finances
18 May 2021

System of annual activity reports of Administrative Order Control Bodies (OCOA) for the year 2019

In the framework for the fulfillment of its commitments made to the people at Porto-Novo on April 06, 2016 on the occasion of his inauguration speech, the Chief of the State held a working session on Friday, September 15, 2017, with the responsible for the Control Bodies of the Administrative Order (OCOA) that are the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF), the General Inspectorate of Services and Public Employment (IGSEP) and General Ministry Inspections (IGM).

This The meeting also saw the participation in particular of the Special Advisor of the President of the Republic, Minister of State, Secretary General of Presidency of the Republic, of the Minister of Economy and Finance and Inspectors General of the Services of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance.

At the end of this session, it was retained that the operational coordination of OCOA activities will now be carried out by the IGF. This decision was consecrated by decree n ° 2018 – 396 of August 28, 2018 reorganizing the supervisory bodies administrative order in the Republic of Benin.

Since then, several activities have been carried out at OCOA level, particularly in 2019.

To ensure visibility of OCOA activities and to fulfill the duty of accountability which is imposed on any agent public, the IGF has decided to prepare a summary of the annual activity reports OCOA.

It is an innovation that will make it possible to present the face of the management of public resources by public officials. This participates in the permanent concern of the Government and its Head to erect the transparency as a management system. Transparency, is it still necessary to clarify, is an essential pillar of
Public Management.

The basis of this approach is found in the decree no.2015-03 of 29 January 2015 on the transparency code in the management of public finances in the Republic of Benin, in particular in its article 2 which specifies that: “Taxpayers and users of public services are clearly, regularly and fully informed of everything related to governance and management of public funds. They are put in the conditions to exercise, in the public debate, their right of scrutiny on the finances of all public administrations. “.

Without dwelling on the positive aspects observed during missions, it should be noted that a lot of effort is made by the authorizing officers, managers and accountants to fulfill their homework. Indeed, efforts to improve public governance initiated since 2016 continue inexorably. So the fear of gendarme is installed at the level of public resource managers in view of the follow-up given to the audit and verification reports by the Government (i), the renewed dynamism of structures such as the Economic and Financial Brigade (BEF), the National Unit for the Treatment of Financial Information (CENTIF) (ii), the courts and tribunals and recently the Court for the Repression of Economic Infractions and Terrorism (CRIET) (iii).

However, some bad practices continue to be observed, as if nothing had happened. The existence of these pockets of resistance is essentially justified by the weakness of the internal control existing at the level of the structures within which these findings are made.

By inviting everyone to appropriate the content of this first annual report activities, I would like to salute the efforts and sacrifices of all OCOA actors as well as the support of hierarchical authorities and the Bureau of Analysis and Investigation (BAI).

Good read everyone.

Inspector General of Finance,

Head of Service