To the terms of the provisions of article 22 of decree n ° 2018 – 396 of 29 August 2018 on the reorganization of the administrative control bodies in Republic of Benin, the operational coordination of the activities of the control of the administrative order (OCOA) is carried out by the Inspection General Finance (IGF). As such, the IGF is responsible, among other things, for: set up a system for monitoring follow-up given to the recommendations of the audit missions carried out by the structures internal audit of the various ministries; produce an annual report on the follow-up given to the recommendations of the audit missions carried out by the various administrative control bodies and transmit it to the jurisdiction of accounts and to the President of the Republic within six (06) month of the end of the year. In the context of compliance with these provisions, the IGF with the collaboration of other OCOA (General Inspection of Public Services and Jobs (IGSEP) and General Inspections of Ministries (IGM)), drew up the report on the follow-up given to the recommendations of the missions. audit of OCOA as of December 31, 2019. This report was sent to the President of the Republic as well as to the President of the Supreme Court (for the attention of the President of the Audit Chamber). Download the report hereDownload